From the Pastor's Desk

Bible Study
Power Shifters
As believers, we should be aware of the spirit realm and how much it affects the natural realm. So many times our focus is on the things of this world that we as Christians tend to lose sight of how relevant the knowledge of the spirit realm is and how important it is to our walk with God.
I believe in so many ways that the Bible encourages us to be aware of the spirit realm and not so much the natural realm. Look at (2nd Corinthians 4:18) Paul himself advises the believer to stay focused on the spirit realm because a lot of the things that go on in the natural realm are not meant to be permanent. No matter how bad it may seem, God doesn't intend for it to be permanent in your life. It to shall pass. The thing we must do is keep our faith in God.
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It shouldn't be a surprise to you that most ministries don't teach on the supernatural and that could be for a number of reasons. But for whatever reason it may be, it's doing a disservice to the people of God because the Bible itself talks about spiritual warfare and that every believer will find themselves engaged in. In (Ephesian 6) the bible speaks about being strong in the Lord and in the power of his might, not in our strength nor our power but his. And there is a reason that he encourages us to do so. It's so that we can stand against the attacks of the devil. Listen, one of the things that indicate the supernatural is the fact he says we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities against powers, against rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
So it's critical for every believer to understand that a lot of the resistance and a lot of the hindrances that we face in our lives come from the spirit realm. When we talk about power one automatically thinks about physical strength being able to do things on your own. But power also deals withe ability to control one's emotion and change their thinking. This is what it comes down to; whom will you yield to - God or the devil (Romans 6:13)?
To be continued...

Sunday School
The Integrity of the Believer
There are a lot of things that we are taught from the word of God, some things more than others and it is those things that we hear about the most we tend to depend upon. We have heard about love, faith, and hope so these are areas that we put more focus on. In the Bible, Galatians 5:22-23 is a passage of scripture that is well known. It focuses on the fruit of the Spirit, those things that every believer should allow the Holy Spirit to develop in them. It is very hard to claim one fruit of the Spirit and not have the others because the Spirit of God is whole and therefore, he comes to make us whole. It would be difficult to convince someone that you have the love of God and not show faith in God or that you have the peace of God and not the joy of God.
The fruit of the Spirit is the manifested evidence that God is present in your life. This is what people should see in the life of anyone confessing to be a Christian.
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It should never be about people seeing us, but the Christ that is in us. Listen i believe the problem with this particular topic is that most believers don't look at integrity as being something associated with God, which can be so misleading. Believe it are not there are still some people who thinks the integrity of a person can carry them a long way when nothing else will. So this is something that kinda fell between the cracks of the church teachings, because even though we are being taught about love and hope i still need someone that will hold to their word hat's integrity.
Integrity is not what you do, but it's who you are in turn makes it easier to do what you do. Now i must caution you as a believers we can't depend on integrity alone, our sole dependence must be upon the Holy Spirit of God. Because integrity alone says look at me, but integrity with the Holy Spirit says look at my God.
To be continued ....