Psalm 46: 10 ~ KJV
"Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth."

As a wife, mother, grandmother, employee, housekeeper, church secretary, and entrepreneur, I have a very busy schedule. I often feel like my to do list is a mile long and that I will never be able to accomplish everything that is on it. If I let the amount of work get to me, I will be frustrated and lose the peace God has given me.

I need to let God be God and LISTEN to what HE wants to tell me.
As a Christian, I know that I can go to my father and talk to Him about anything and most days, I probably do all the talking. I've learned that I most clearly hear my Father when I don't know what to say.
When I feel overwhelmed or out of balance spiritually, I know it is a sign that I haven't spent enough time with my Lord. I need to be still and remember who is in control. I need to let God be God and LISTEN to what HE wants to tell me. So, I get in my favorite chair in my bedroom, turn off all the electronic devices that call my name, shut the door, and sit with God.
I start by praising His name. It helps me to remember that He is my creator, my Father who loves me, and that He has all power in His hands. Then I tell Him what I need to say. Afterwards, I sit. I relax. I listen.
This week's challenge: Make time to be still and know that He is God. Spend at least 10 or 15 minutes alone with Him and listen.