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Wandering in the Desert


Have you ever met someone who never went to church or read the Bible, but called themselves a Christian? Well, that was me. I had my grandfather’s bible but, I found it difficult to read and never got out of Genesis. I skipped around in the great book, found Revelations and read of the strange symbols and the destruction to come.


This peeked my interest and I got involved with tarot, ESP, and other cultic practices. After a time, I joined a church where the pastor ran off with the church money. This caused me to stay away from church altogether. I studied on my own and gradually stopped studying and reading the Bible. I believed that I knew enough to be ok, only to forget what God had placed in my heart.


The day my girlfriend asked me to go with her to listen to her co-worker Dean Grant preach, I was conceiving of murder in my heart and had a hit put out on me by a drug dealer. That night we went to Manifested Glory services. Soon after, I went up to the altar and gave my life back to Christ. It was the best decision I ever made.


Since then, God has worked a wonderful change in my life. My girlfriend and I got married at the same altar where we rededicated our lives to Christ, God helped get us through the passing of both of my parents, blessed us with two wonderful granddaughters and brought our son-in-law back into the arms of Christ. God is still doing a great work in my life and the life of my family. This testimony is not finished. It has only begun.


Tripp Plyler

Walking by Faith Outreach Ministry

31587 Highway 9 West, Pageland, SC 29728

Bible Study - Wednesday @ 7:00 pm

Sunday School - 10:00 am

Sunday Worship Service - 11:15 am

© 2018 by Walking by Faith Outreach Ministry.

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